Monday, July 13, 2009

Cheap Ways to Organize.

Tupperware IS the answer!
Small tupperware type containers can be found at Family Dollar & Dollar General for... you guessed it...about a dollar. Depending on their size, of course.
These little plastic boxes have saved my life and the lives of others living with me more than once, you can believe it.
They are great for storing and stacking. If you open my linen closet today you will find shelves full of these little beauties, all chock full of extra goodies.
I keep hair ties in one.
Razors in another.
Extra toothbrushes & toothpaste.
Boxes of Medicine.
Feminine Hygene Products.
Nail Polish.
The list goes on and on...but my linen closet is in perfect OCD harmony and that is what matters! :)
Right now is the perfect time to go out and pick up about a dozen or so of those neat plastic pencil boxes. At Meijer they are currently going for .39 cents. These can be used quite the same as the other boxes, but at better shaped for things like:
Extra Pens.
Dryer Sheets.
Cancelled Checks/New Checks.
Extra Printer Cartridges (Or the ones waiting to be refilled).
Paper Clips.
The slightly larger ones have their uses, too.
These go for about $2.00 - $3.00.
Great for:
Phone Chargers.
USB Cables.
Paint Brushes.
Then we come to the heavy duty artillery.
5 Gallon Buckets.
If you have pets like I do, these nifty containers are a life saver!
You can usually go to any small diner and ask them if they have any to spare and offer to buy them. I have been given some for free and charged for some around $2.00. You can also buy them at the local home improvement store for about $5.00.
I use them for:
Pet Food & Cat Litter
and it eliminates all the messy bags that seem to break open and spill, usually when you are ina hurry.
AND they are stackable!
A 17-20 lb. bag of food or litter usually tops off one of these buckets.

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