Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rainy Day Blues

Le Sigh. I often wonder what the statistics are for suicide or anti-depressant drugs in Michigan Vs. Any other state that doesn't have crappy weather EVERY DAMN DAY OF THE YEAR. I should look it up, but, I'm lazy today.

It's raining... or is it? It still doesn't know if it really wants to downpour or be just obnoxious enough to trap us all inside. So, sadly, here I am at my computer, while the little monster is busy watching daytime TV. It's something she rarely does, but I still hate it. These worthless programs they show now. Not that she is young enough for Sesame Street or Reading Railroad but there HAS to be something more educational than ICarly... right?

I think it's time for a trip to the library. It's free AND I can get her away from that dratted nastiness called television. Fuelled with coke & peanut M&M's we should just make it.

(I told you I'm a bad mother... that was our rainy day snack.)


  1. I found you on "best blogs, at the MomBlogs (you are right above me) and OMgoodness.... so glad I found you. Very well done!

    Two things, I cant believe you said "Le Sigh" ~ only the cool people say that! :)

    And also that you made a reference to ICarly! My daughter is 5.... she "BEGS" me to watch that show!!! Tooo funny.
    I poked around your site, what a wonderful mother you are!!!

    Anyway, just wanted to say that I love your blog. I will be following along for sure.

  2. My parents are from Michigan and when we moved to Denver, every time it was cloudy (rarely) my Dad would say "It's a Michigan sunny day!"

    What caught my eye was your comment about kids and the disenchanting entertainment value of television. I'm about to tell you about its partner in crime - the internet -- and though there are mountains of negative things to say about it, I think you should check out a new social site for kids and only kids - It is a unique place for kids to geek out on their favorite celebrities but ALSO (don't hang up yet) do some cool things, for example Selena Gomez is raising money for UNICEF and her fans get to pitch in -- well, their parents do.

    Anyway, would love for you to check it out and put your sass into a post about it. Love your writing and at the very least, I hope the sun comes out!


  3. All these issues are important, and that's why I just started blogging a while ago and it feels great.

    Kind Regards

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  4. Hello,

    I am the new marketing assistant at Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek and I am hoping to be able to more closely connect with local Michigan moms. Blogging is quite important to a lot of people not only in this area but nationwide and I am interested in becoming apart of that. If you are interested in working with Binder Park Zoo please feel free to contact me at 269-979-1351 ext. 153 or email me at Thanks!
