Le Sigh. I often wonder what the statistics are for suicide or anti-depressant drugs in Michigan Vs. Any other state that doesn't have crappy weather EVERY DAMN DAY OF THE YEAR. I should look it up, but, I'm lazy today.
It's raining... or is it? It still doesn't know if it really wants to downpour or be just obnoxious enough to trap us all inside. So, sadly, here I am at my computer, while the little monster is busy watching daytime TV. It's something she rarely does, but I still hate it. These worthless programs they show now. Not that she is young enough for Sesame Street or Reading Railroad but there HAS to be something more educational than ICarly... right?
I think it's time for a trip to the library. It's free AND I can get her away from that dratted nastiness called television. Fuelled with coke & peanut M&M's we should just make it.
(I told you I'm a bad mother... that was our rainy day snack.)