This blog is something I have contmplated working on for an extremely long time, but... as a working mother it seemed that there weren't enough hours in the day to do what I already had to do, what with working, cleaning, feeding, changing, bathing, feeding, cleaning, potty training, feeding, cleaning, ad nauseum...well you get the picture... let alone to start a blog.
Then again if you're reading this you more than likely already HAD the picture, probably about two seconds after your sanity had indeed made that infamous left in Albequerque. Well, let me tell you, I've spent 12 wonderful years in mommyland and that sanity thing, well, you learn to live without it. Firstly, it's terribly overrated. Secondly, it only hinders your progress.
No, I'm serious! What sane person passes their day at work by singing about pants wearing, sea living sponges or the way the mail makes you feel like wagging your tail? You know you've done this, admit it and move on, it's a mile stone.
So, you eventually discover that the tighter you try to hold onto your sanity, the more elusive it becomes. It's a small battle and you'll lose. Let go. No worries.
Anyhow, as I was saying, my wonderful, one man sanity prevention team (my daughter.) is 12 now and it seems suddenly that I have all this time to myself. Not that it's gotten any easier, don't go getting that idea. No, ma'am. It just seems that now there are actually these huge blocks of time that I have no one tugging on my pants, trying to give the pets haircuts, painting their room with kitchen condiments, using my good sheets as mural boards, trying to sled down the stairs... well, you see? It's almost BORING now.
That is not to say that I do not still have to stay on my toes, oh gods no. There are issues a plenty! Boys and parties and friends and dates and ... we won't go into it just now, since I want to keep this blog lighthearted, but it's like learning to be a mommy all over again, only instead of this little person being completely dependent on you, they are trying to become completely independent... and you only have to pick up the pieces. Le Sigh.
Anyhow, so now that I have these huge windows of time, (Look, 15 minutes is HUGE to me, ok? MONUMENTAL, in fact!) I decided to actually start this blog and hopefully offer some helpful tips and or advice about things that I learned while my daughter was growing up.
For quite awhile I was a single mother and even to this day there is a shoe string budget on which we live, but I look back on those years and I simply HAVE to pat myself on the back for the simple ingenuity I maintined during crisis situations. There were times back then that I thought one more thing, just one more thing would be enough to do me in, I was at my wits end. But, there was ALWAYS one more thing and it NEVER did me in.
That is not to say I didn't spend my fair share of time in the bathroom throwing full blown temper tantrums... I am just saying that I made it through and most importantly the wonderful creature that I had a hand in creating made it through as well.
She is now a slightly skewed, but well rounded and creative individual for which I give thanks every day at least a million times.
But, no, I am not out of the woods yet, far from it actually, we still have driving ahead of us, among other things that I shall not mention just yet.
However, there have been twelve years of dollar stretching, creative thinking, fast talking, smiling no matter what that I learned more than I ever thought possible. I am starting this blog in hopes that I can share that knowledge with mommies everywhere in an effort to take even just a little of the stress out of their day to day schedule.
In the following weeks and months I am going to try and add as much as possible that may aid your every day mommy in any way possible. Tips on how not to kill anyone, secrets I learned about keeping toddlers busy on a budget, ways to organize and keep the house looking semi-clean and neat, tricks about dieting(which is a crock!) and exercise, ways to reward yourself, even when you feel like you can't.
I hope this helps. As mommies we need all the help we can get!